Our Hawaii Adventure 07/19/2003 - Honolulu Zoo

The Honolulu Zoo

The best zoo for miles around

The Zoo also has a walking path displaying exotic plants

Another "Swiss Family Robinson" tree

Petrified Hippos

The elephant ignored all of us

Elephants first came to the Zoo from India in 1982

The monkeys liked to show off

The monkeys before they got into a fight

Monkeying around

A Lemur-They are unique because they give birth to twins

The Lemur being shy

The lei garden

Bigger Monkeys

The fish coexist with the monkeys

They swang from pole to pole and never missed

Posing for the Camera

A turtle sunning himself


The "warts" are actually pads to protect them in battle

A crocodile type thing. The tips of their snouts are called "pots".

Entering the "African Safari".

We didn't see any alligators. Here's why.

A gazelle family. Their coats shed water.

Facing the camera.


Grooming himself.

A peacock showing off.

Ready for his close up.

We never found out what this animal was.

Standing tall.


There is a curious kid in every bunch.

If they stretch upward to eat, they are male.

Taking a break.

A long way from Africa.

The Zebra looked painted.

Many of the animals just stood to be photographed.

Did you know that peacocks could fly?


Stephanie and the purple flowers.

A Lizard sunning himself.

A black rhino.

Photo opportunity.

Facing us.

A hyena.

They "laugh" when they are running or attacking.

Stephanie's favorite big cat.


A nice place in the shade.

This is not what it looks like...we promise.

You can see the mountains from the zoo.

Leaving the zoo.

Ken loves the mountains.

We think that this tree is real, not painted.

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