From July 11-23, 2003 Ken and Stephanie took a trip to our nation's 50th state. These pages document our trip with commentary and pictures. We did a pretty good job of keeping the pages updated during the vacation thanks to a borrowed laptop from CC and the wonders of a digital camera.
Thank you for your interest in our vacation, but please be assured that the pictures do not do the wonders of God's creation justice. There are somethings that you just have to see "up close and personal".
Thank you for sharing in our vacation!
If you followed along during our vacation, then you want to go direcly to July 21 to begin your tour of the last two days of our trip... the content July 11-20 haven't been changed since we got back to the mainland. I've created a page for each day's commentary just so they would load a little faster.
Ken: | Stephanie: |
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