
Every now and then, Kenny introduces something into my life that stays with me
for a while.

Sirus Satellite Radio Channel 6077 is one such example.

It’s the Broadway Channel.

That’s right, all Broadway, all the time.

All of a sudden I’m wishing that I “cook like Betty Crocker and I look like Donna Reed”. I didn’t even like the Donna Reed Show, but I like the song, so sing it I must.

The cats got treated to “Getting to Know You” the other day. They, of course, thought I was crazy, but I was having the best time being Miss Anna. I didn’t care what I looked like.

One minute, I’m wailing out “Memory”, the next I’m the Artful Dodger advising Oliver to “Consider Yourself (at home)”.

I don’t hit high notes very well, but I’m convinced that I could do “Summer Nights” better than the girl who…er…”sang” it the other day. Heck, I’m convinced *Kenny* could do it better than the people they were playing.

On the other hand, I was pleased to discover that Hugh Jackman has a seriously nice voice. So does Catherine Zeta Jones.

Oversized sweatshirts, black tennis shoes, orange soda, Little Debbies and now the Broadway Channel.

I can’t wait to see what’s coming next.


©2004 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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