
My friend Heather had a Rich Mullins CD in the truck with her the other day. It reminded me of being in college again. I had an RA who introduced me to The World As Best As I Can Remember It-. At the time, I liked "Boy Like Me/Man Like You". I especially liked these lines:
You was born in a stable Lord
Reid Memorial is where I was born
Later on, I got the CD for myself and began to play "Jacob and 2 Women (The World As Best As I Remember It)" obsessively. Anything could set me off on "Jacob, he loved Rachel and Rachel, she loved him/And Leah was just there for dramatic effect..."

It is however, "Hold Me Jesus" that remains my singular favorite of all of Rich Mullins' great songs. We incorporated it into our Creative Ministries presentations in college, but, as I was concentrating on choreography at the time, I didn't much grasp the words. It wasn't until I was alone in my room with nothing but the lyrics sheet that the song first grabbed me. And, because Rich Mullins could say it better than I ever could, here is the song in its entirety:

First Kings 19:3-13, Matthew 11:25-30

Well, sometimes my life just don't make sense at all
When the mountains look so big
And my faith just seems so small

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

And I wake up in the night and feel the dark
It's so hot inside my soul
I swear there must be blisters on my heart

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

Surrender don't come natural to me
I'd rather fight You for something I don't really want
Than to take what You give that I need
And I've beat my head against so many walls
Now I'm falling down, I'm falling on my knees

And this Salvation Army band is playing this hymn
And Your grace rings out so deep
It makes my resistance seem so thin

I'm singing hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

From the A Liturgy a Legacy and a Ragamuffin Band CD

©2004 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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